Big Water Municipal
Notice is hereby given that on
Wednesday August 16, 2023, at 7:00pm (UT)
at Big Water Town Hall located at
60 N Aaron Burr, Big Water, Utah,
Big Water Municipal
will hold a public hearing to
Open Current FY Budget To
– Add $2,000,000 in Grant Funds for Highway 89
Turnout Project.
– Add $5,000 to Postal Contract per recently
approved rate increase.
– Appropriate $23,679.00 for URS payment for back
payments from August 2022 when account was
officially opened to current.
At the time and place set forth above, all interested persons may
appear will be given an opportunity to be heard either in support
or in opposition. Each person will be given a reasonable amount
of time to comment, which is non-transferable and non-sharable.